BBT Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of BBT In Medical?

BBT full form in medical term is Basal Body Temperature. This is usually the lowest body temperature during rest or sleep. Usually, it is measured by temperature measurement before any physical activity or immediately after waking up. Basal body temperature is the only way to evaluate the day of ovulation. It is a method of family planning that only needs a very accurate thermometer. When a woman releases an egg from the ovary, her body temperature rises significantly. While tracking BBT over several periods cannot predict when you will ovulate, it can help create a pattern. This way, you can determine when you ovulate.

Basal Body Temperature

What Else Should You Know About BBT?

Women use this method to know their most fertile days of the month. Females who want to become pregnant measure BBT to determine the best days of the month to do physical activity. Most women trying to avoid pregnancy can use it to know which days they should abstain from sex, whereas some women choose it to avoid ingestion of drugs for contraception.

However, there are some essential that can change this temperature, including the following:

  • Stress
  • Breastfeeding
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Oversleeping
  • Taking some medications
  • Traveling to different time zones

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