BHP Full Form in Medical

What is The Full form of BHP?

BHP Full Form in Medical term is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. It is also called as Prostate enlargement, which happens frequently to older men, is a medical ailment with the same name. When the prostate gland grows too large, it can squeeze the urethra and prevent urine from leaving the bladder, resulting in painful urinary symptoms. Kidney, urinary tract, and bladder issues are also possible.

Medication, minimally invasive therapies, and surgery are only some of the options for dealing with an enlarged prostate. You or your doctor will weigh your preferences, the severity of your problems, the size of the prostate, and any other health concerns you may have.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Those affected by an enlarged prostate gland may have a wide range of symptoms, although typically the condition worsens over time. Some typical BPH symptoms are:

  • Incessant and pressing need to urinate
  • Increased nighttime urination frequency (nocturia)
  • Problems getting started urinating
  • Dribbling or a weak pee stream near the end of the urination cycle
  • Impairment of bladder emptying

The intensity of your symptoms may not be proportional to the size of the prostate. It’s possible for men with significantly enlarged prostates to experience just mild urine symptoms, while those with mildly enlarged prostates to experience severe ones.

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