BMC Full Form in Medical

What is The Full Form of BMC?

BMC full form in medical term is Bone Marrow Concentrate, which is produced by first collecting a bone marrow aspirate from a more significant bone, for example, a pelvic bone. Bone marrow is a spongy, soft substance that lines the internal cavities of bone, where blood is produced. Stem cells and small spaces in the bone marrow hold blood, primitive cells capable of developing into different types of blood cells. In some cases, these stem cells can also form new tissue, such as cartilage, bone, blood vessels, and fat. Also known as bone marrow aspirate concentrate, it is a fluid containing cells derived from the bone marrow.

Bone Marrow Concentrate

What are the potential risks associated with bone marrow concentrate?

With BMC, there is minimal risk, including:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • The ache that continues after the process

How is BMC used to heal or repair tissue?

Health care providers believe BMC reduces inflammation and can repair or form new tissue. Following are the benefits of BMC:

  • It improves wound healing
  • BMC treats fractures that have not increased back together
  • BMC improves cartilage function
  • Treat osteoarthritis in joints
  • Help improve tendon function
  • Treat osteonecrosis ( bone death)
  • Delay illness progression, especially in arthritis

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