CHO Full Form in Medical

What is the Full Form of CHO ?

CHO full form in the medical term field means Community Health Officer and is iterated as one of the important positions and profiles under the National Health Mission. The major aim of appointing a CHO is to help play a vital role in the development and overview of rural health.

CHO Full Form in Medical

The recruits to CHO are made in every state of India to help strengthen the primary health care set up across the state and the nation on an overall range. They help in treating minor ailments and providing them with the correct diagnosis and referring them to the higher medical centers for the appropriate care and guidance.

Being a CHO is a very important role for any person and it requires a candidate to have obtained general nursing midwifery along with the B.Sc Nursing Qualification from any recognized university. The candidate should have a valid registration in the concerned state councils for nursing along with a valid registration certificate for practice.

The candidates are thoroughly assessed via a detailed and unique set of tests and questionnaires that includes areas like medical surgical nursing, child health nursing, nutrition, basic anatomy and physiology, and more. This helps in assessing the level of the candidate after which upon selection they are provided their work area and roles to help build a healthier community.

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