FGO Full Form in Medical

What is The Full Form of FGO?

FGO Full Form in Medical is Female genital organs. The uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes, & ovaries make up the female reproductive system.

Females have both internal & external sex organs, both of which contribute to the birth of new life through the reproductive process. The FGO in humans is not fully developed until puberty, at which point it is capable of producing gametes and carrying a foetus to term.

Female genital organs

Anatomically, the vagina is a thin, hollow tube connecting the vaginal opening and the uterus. The vagina contains muscular walls, allowing it to enlarge and shrink as needed. The vagina can change size, allowing it to fit anything from a tampon to a baby. The mucous membranes that line the vagina provide protection and moisture to the vagina’s muscular walls.

How Vagina Functions?

Vaginal function is trifold:

When two people engage in sexual activity, the penis is implanted here.

It is the opening via which a baby is delivered from the birthing mother.

During menstruation, this is where the blood flows out of the body.

The hymen, a small flap of skin-like tissue, covers the vaginal opening. It’s common for hymens to vary from woman to woman. When a woman has her first sexual experience, her hymen is often stretched or ripped and may bleed somewhat.

The other meaning of FGO is Fellowship in General ophthalmology