MOU Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of MOU In Medical?

MOU Full Form in Medical term is Memorandum of Understanding. It is a charitable agreement between the hospitals empaneled with the MOU or the Hospital Council or the association’s name to offer mutual assistance during medical calamity. A disaster is defined as a mass event that exceeds the effective response of the affected health facility or facilities for this Memorandum of Understanding.

 The disaster may be an event internal or external to the hospitals, and it is assumed that the emergency management systems of each affected hospital have been fully implemented.

Memorandum of Understanding

What else should you know about MOU?

This agreement does not intend to replace each facility’s disaster planning and escalation and defines the hospital relationship. It outlines the response management agency, emergency medical services, and hospitals in the Department of Public Health to coordinate as a single H-MAS community during answer and preparation.

 The agreement sets out the procedures and rules governing interactions with organizations, including local emergency medical services, law enforcement agencies, fire departments, local public health departments, etc. As opposed to verbal commitments, the MOU is far by better. It indicates the intention of the parties to work towards the same purpose.

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