NSI Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of NSI In Medical?

NSI full form in medical term is needlestick injury. This is skin penetration using a hypodermic needle or another sharp object that has been in contact with tissue, blood, or other body fluid before exposure. Regardless the acute physical effects of a needle injury are primarily avoidable; these injuries can increase the risk of infection, leading to the transmission of HBc or blood-borne diseases.

NSIs also have psychological effects, including anxiety about disclosure, health concerns, transmission to sexual partners, depression, traumatic feelings, etc. These signs can cause functional impairment in daily life. However, some affected people have increased anxiety during repeated testing and other psychological effects after completing the test. It can also cause long-lasting psychological effects, such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

needlestick injury

What Else Should You Know About NSI?

Specific treatments and procedures can reduce the risk of infection after a needlestick injury. They can include health workers who may come in contact with body fluids or blood, should receive hepatitis B vaccinations, regularly take safety refresher courses, follow all safety processes in the workplace, never re-cap used needles, don’t snap or bend used needles, minimize the use of needles, always used needs that are approved and puncture-proof sharps, and among others.