RDP Full Form in Medical

What is the Full Form of RDP?

RDP full form in medical term is Random Donor Platelets, a famous method of platelet transfusion. The methods include the preparation of platelets from donated blood from eligible donors. Ideally, this process uses whole blood collected in traditional blood donation programs. This blood is collected from many casual donors and then pooled & centrifuged to prepare a single transfusion. The platelets should be transfused to the patients within four hours after pooling. The process is completed through a bedside LRF (leukocyte reduction filter).

random donor platelets

Who can be eligible for RDP?

Following are the essential factors to be eligible for RDP:

  • 45 kg minimum weight
  • 5% Hemoglobin level
  • 3 months between two successive blood donations as a time interval
  • 18 to 65 years age limit

What are the requirements for RDP?

  • None of the donors should have any infectious disease. More than 1 donor is required for donation. The blood group of the donor and the patient should be the same.
  • A donor should not have any transfusion disease, such as HIV, hepatitis B & C, syphilis, and malaria.
  • The donor should not have a record of any lung or heart-related disease.
  • Avoid long driving and heavy work out after blood donation.
  • Before donating, a donor should disclose information about any treatment and medication.