RMC Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of RMC In Medical?

RMC full form in medical term is a Renal Medullary Carcinoma. This cancer type usually affects people of African descent with sickle cell disease, sickle cell trait, or sickle hemoglobinopathy. Sickle cell trait is a risk element for this type of cancer. It is difficult to treat, tends to be aggressive, and is frequently metastatic at the time of diagnosis.

People with RMC usually experience common signs and symptoms. These include back/flank pain or abdominal, visible hematuria, and noticeable weight loss.

Most people diagnosed with RMC have sickle cell trait, in which the person has one copy of Hba and one normal copy of the HbA gene. Such people do not suffer from sickle cell disease but may experience symptoms such as kidney damage during their lives.

Renal Medullary Carcinoma

What else should you know about RMC?

RMC, or Renal Medullary Carcinoma, is often cancer. Although it is not currently possible to envisage those people with RMC who will eventually develop this cancer. But, with the development of science and genomics, researchers will be able to detect this type of cancer early.

People with sickle cell traits presenting with prominent signs and symptoms can be diagnosed and treated after detection.

Other full forms of RMC in Medical:

  • Radiation Medicine Center
  • Registered Medical Coder