Factors Contributing to High Fasting Blood Sugar Levels

High levels of fasting blood sugar are usually picked up in routine health checkups and can raise an alarming red flag towards developing type 2 diabetes. Characteristic of this condition includes higher-than-normal sugar in the blood after a fasting period, usually by multiple factors and lifestyle choice.

A scientifically proven and clinically validated diabetes control program can really simplify the process.

Here’s a closer look at what contributes to this condition and how you can manage or reduce your risk.


Contributing Factors to High Fasting Blood Sugar Levels

Several key factors can predispose individuals to high fasting blood sugar levels, including:

  • Family History: A genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes.
  • Weight: Being overweight or obese, especially carrying extra weight around the abdomen.
  • Pregnancy: Women who experienced gestational diabetes.
  • Diet: Consuming a high-carbohydrate or unhealthy diet.
  • Alcohol & Smoking: Excessive alcohol intake and smoking.
  • Physical Activity: A sedentary lifestyle with little to no exercise.
  • Sleep and Stress: Poor sleep patterns and high stress levels.
  • Other Conditions: Chronic health issues like hypertension.

Strategies to Control Fasting Blood Glucose

If the level of fasting blood glucose is high, but if post-prandial (after meal) and HbA1c is okay, then lifestyle changes will help in bringing the risk down.

1. Healthy diet: You should, of course, give preference to a well-balanced diet in which there are a lot of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Keep regular hours of eating to level off the concentration of sugar in the blood.

2. Limit Alcohol: Eliminate alcohol consumption to avoid side effects on liver metabolism and fasting levels of blood sugar.

3. Quality Sleep: A proper sleep at night is very important in dealing with proper glucose metabolism and hence helps in regulating the level of blood sugar.

4. Be cautious about stress management: Use stress-reducing tips to manage your stress properly, which may not affect your blood sugar levels.

5. Physical Exercise: Regular physical exercise with the objective of keeping fasting blood sugar in control.

Note: Do not exercise just before your fasting blood glucose test, as doing so may affect the result of the test. 

6. Medication: If at all medication is prescribed by your medic to help you control your blood sugar levels, observe the medication regimen to the letter.


Recognizing high fasting blood glucose levels early is vital for managing and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. If the fasting blood glucose level is high, check with a earlier healthcare provider and apply some positive lifestyle practices to control it. These can be well taken care of and controlled by making good decisions about a balanced diet, exercises, rest, and stress management that can prevent the progression to prediabetes or diabetes.

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