BMI Calculator

Please enter value between 125 and 225.
Please enter value between 10.0 and 500.0 ( one decimal ).
Please enter value between 4.2 and 7.3
Please enter value between 22.0 and 1000.0 ( one decimal ).
Calculate BMI
Use this calculator to check your body mass index (BMI), which can be a helpful tool in determining your weight category. Or, use it to calculate your child’s BMI.

As you may already know, BMI is short for Body Mass Index.  It's like a cool scale that can give you an idea if your weight is playing nice with your height. It's not just about the number you see when you step on the scales, but how that number jives with how tall you are. Why is that important, you ask? Well, this little equation can drop hints about whether you might be carrying around an unhealthy amount of body fat.

Alright, now let's clear something up. A BMI calculator female or BMI calculator male isn't a surefire way to measure body fat, but it's still a solid option to point out if you might be at risk for certain health hiccups, especially the ones linked to having too much body fat. No kidding, lots of healthcare pros rely on BMI to figure out the right dose of meds. Turns out, folks with higher BMIs might need a bigger dose. So, by knowing your BMI, you're basically taking a vital step to look out for your health.

How To Calculate Body Mass Index (BMI)?

So, you're keen on figuring out your BMI, huh? Let's make this a fun, no-hassle task! For this, we're gonna need two things: your weight and your height. Easy, right? Now, let's put these into play.

BMI Calculator

First things first, take your height and multiply it by, well, itself. Just your height doing a bit of a mirror dance. Next, grab your weight and divide it by the figure you got from your height's dance-off. That's it, easy-peasy! And it is up to you whether you want to use a BMI calculator in kg and cm or a BMI calculator in kg and feet depending on what measurements you are comfortable with.

If you're more into formulas and mathematical jargon, here you go:

  • In the International System of Units (SI): BMI = weight (kg) ÷ (height (m))2
  • In the Imperial System: BMI = weight (lb) ÷ (height (inches)) 2 × 703

If all this number-crunching isn't your thing, just hop on over to any BMI calculator online, punch in your numbers, and boom! Your BMI will pop up, no math is required.

BMI Calculator for Different Groups

When using a BMI calculator for men or BMI calculator women, the first thing you gotta know is that this whole BMI thing works pretty much the same for both males and females. But here's a twist. Even if a guy and a gal are both the same height, their ideal weights could be different. How come, you ask? Well, guys typically pack more muscle mass than ladies, and let's not forget how body composition can be different for both. So, keep that in mind when you're calculating BMI.

Now, let's talk about age. It's not just a number when it comes to BMI. For the fully grown-up crowd, the BMI range stays the same. But kids? Oh, they're a whole different ball game. See, the wee ones are still growing, and their body fat content changes quicker than fashion trends. And here's another thing, the body fat content isn't the same for little boys and girls either. So, how do we measure BMI for kids? Good question! We use the same old formula as we do for adults, but here's the catch: we match the results to special charts. These aren't just any charts, but standardized BMI-for-age percentile charts. That way, we can track how a kiddo's BMI stacks up against other kids their age. But you can find a specific BMI calculator for kids on the internet that you can directly use.

Understanding BMI Results

So let's say you've done the math and got your BMI figure by yourself or by using a BMI calculator with age. Now, you might be scratching your head, wondering what on earth does it actually mean? Don't worry, we've got your back! Here's a straightforward guide for you:

  • Underweight: BMI less than 18.5
  • Normal weight: BMI between 18.5 and 24.9
  • Overweight: BMI between 25 and 29.9
  • Obesity: BMI 30 or higher
Body Mass Index Results

Now, whether you're a bit too light on the scales or tipping them over, there can be some health issues lurking around the corner. If you're carrying extra weight, you might be dealing with some not-so-fun stuff like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain kinds of cancer. But being underweight isn't a walk in the park either. You could face malnutrition, lack vitamins, or deal with some pesky hormonal imbalances. That's why it's super important to chat with your doctor or medical professionals about what your BMI means for you.

Risks of Being Overweight


Image Credit: istockphoto

If you've got a BMI higher than 25, you're technically considered overweight. Sounds harsh, right? But let's peel back the layers and see what's actually going on. Here are the main problems you can deal with in the long run as an overweight person:

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Certain Types Of Cancer
  • Higher Levels Of Ldl Cholesterol
  • Lower Levels Of Hdl Cholesterol
  • High Triglycerides
  • Heart Disease
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Clinical Depression
  • Etc.

Aside from all these health risks, packing extra weight can just make life, well, harder. Extra weight can make you feel like you're lugging around a backpack all the time. It can mess with your joints too, making every step feel like a chore. And it's not just the physical stuff. Being overweight can get under your skin, quite literally, and mess with your head. It can contribute to mental health issues like depression and anxiety. So, here's the hard truth. But remember, it's not about body shaming or fitting into a size two. It's about feeling good and living a healthier, happier life. It's never too late to make positive changes, right?

Risks of Being Underweight


Image Credit: istockphoto

Hey, let's flip the coin for a second and talk about the not-so-discussed side of the weight spectrum, being underweight. Yep, that's right! Just like tipping the scale too far to the right, not having enough weight on can be equally concerning. If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is lounging around under 18.5, you're technically in the 'underweight' zone. And trust us, it's not as chill as it sounds. And here are the main problems you can face as an underweight person:

  • Malnutrition
  • Vitamin Deficiencies
  • Anemia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Weakened Immune System
  • Etc.

Now, for all the ladies out there, here's something worth noting. If you're underweight, it might play around with your menstrual cycle a bit, and even go as far as causing fertility issues. And as for the kiddos and teens, too little weight can put a speed bump in the fast lane of their development and growth.


There you have it. Now you understand the BMI calculator tool more than an average Indian. So this way you can practically be determined whether a person is overweight or underweight. However, most of the time you can assume this thing, but to be sure about a person’s BMI, you must calculate it for precise numbers, which can be helpful whenever you are having a medical treatment of some sort.

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