UL Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of UL In Medical?

UL full form in Medical is Upper Limb. It means the part of the body that comprises the shoulder, the arm, and the fingertips. Simply put, the upper limb combines joints, bones, nerves, blood vessels and muscles that move together. This functionality helps people to feel, move and transmit.

The human upper limb is classified into three parts of the body, including the arm, shoulder girdle, and hand and forearm. The component includes the humerus, the shoulder girdle consists of the scapula and clavicle, and the hand and forearm include the ulna, radius, phalanges, and metacarpals.

Upper Limb

What else should you know about UL?

The upper limb is a significant part of the human body since it helps perform various activities, such as throwing, grasping, lifting, and moving objects. Our day-to-day tasks like typing, eating, and writing depend on the function of the Upper Limb. Anyone who has suffered an injury or damaged part of the upper limb will not be able to perform these functions. Also, they have to undergo medical intervention. To conclude, the part of the human body that comprises the wrist, arm, and hand falls under Upper Limb.

Other full forms of UL in Medical:

  • Upper Limit
  • Upper Lid (of the eye)