VUJ Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of VUJ In Medical?

VUJ full form in medical term is Vesicoureteric Junction (VUJ), which also refers to the Ureterovesicular junction. It is situated where the ureter congregates the bladder. In simple words, the UV barrier means blockage in this area. The blockage limits the urine flow to the bladder, which backs up and spills into the ureters and kidneys. Moreover, it is the most common prenatally found blockage disease, usually spotted on maternal ultrasounds during pregnancy.

VUJ usually causes during fetal growth. In most cases, restriction occurs when the connection between the bladder and the ureter becomes narrow. However, UV blockage can also occur due to infection, scar tissue, kidney stones, or a benign polyp.

Vesicoureteric Junction

What Else Should You Know About VUJ?

UVJ restriction may be spotted before symptoms appear because of the extended use of prenatal imaging. The baby will be monitored during pregnancy & after birth if any dilation of the ureter or kidney is found. The blockage can be confirmed after the baby is born. Usually, older children have kidney stones and abdominal pain. The pain may be accompanied by vomiting and nausea. Bloody urine or a urinary tract infection is another symptom associated with VUJ.