EAC Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of EAC In Medical?

EAC Full Form in Medical is Erythema annulare centrifugum. The rash is extremely uncommon.

The rash appears as a cluster of little red pimples that radiate outward. The lumps typically cluster in rings, but they can take on any shape. It’s possible the downtown core may brighten up. Multiple spots on your body could be affected by this rash.

The thighs and legs are common sites for EAC to manifest. However, it is not limited to those areas; the face, trunk, or arms are all fair game.

It’s possible that the rash is harmless and will go away on own or it could be an indicator of something more serious. It can show up at the same as other allergies, such as to food or medication, or after being bitten by an insect, like a spider or tick.

Erythema annulare centrifugum

What else should you know about EAC?

There is some evidence that EAC can indicate an infectious condition. An underlying disease or infection is present in around 13% of all cases. Sometimes it can indicate the presence of malignancy.

A combination of your medical history and a physical examination will help your doctor establish if the rash you’re experiencing is due to EAC.

Other EAC Full Form in Medical

  • Esophageal Adenocarcenoma
  • Esophageal Acid Clearance