EBF Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of EBF In Medical?

EBR full form in medical term is Erythroblastosis Fetalis. EBF is currently known as the hemolytic disease of the infant. It is quite possible that the blood group of the child at birth is unmatched by that of the mother.

The causing conditions are called EBF, where the mother’s WBCs (white blood cells) adversely affect the baby’s RBCs as they would any strange invaders. Recognizing this early can ensure a safe and successful pregnancy for the baby and the mother. However, if left untreated, it can be life-threatening for the baby.

In infants, symptoms of erythroblastosis fetalis appear in the form of jaundiced after birth, pale, or swollen. Blood tests can also indicate that the infant has a low RBC count or anemia. They can also have a condition called hydrops fetalis. If infants have EBF in the womb, they may be given IBT (intrauterine blood transfusions) to prevent the risk of anemia.

Erythroblastosis Fetalis

What Else Should You Know About EBF?

A healthcare provider will suggest routine blood tests during the first prenatal visit to diagnose EBF. This test will help them know whether you have had anti-Rh antibodies in your blood from a previous pregnancy. However, EBF is caused by ABO incompatibility and Rh incompatibility.