DCT Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of DCT In Medical?

DCT full form in medical term is Direct Coombs Test. When someone is showing symptoms like pale skin, decreasing body temperature, shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue, etc. Then to check whether a person has anemia or not, doctors suggest a direct coombs test in order to confirm it. There is no special preparation required prior to such a blood test, however, you should always follow your doctor’s advice.

Direct Coombs Test

What Else Should You Know About Such Blood Tests?

In the majority of cases, DCT is performed to check whether a person has anemia or not. Many diseases and the use of strong drugs can cause the production of antibodies. And in the case of anemia, these antibodies can bind themselves to the red blood cells. When these antibodies start to destroy red blood cells in the blood, it ultimately causes anemia. With the help of the direct coombs test, examiners or doctors can determine whether excessive antibodies in a patient are causing the destruction of red blood cells or not. Before such a blood test, doctors usually advise not to take any prescribed medicine, this way the results can be quite accurate.

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