DRDT Full Form in Medical

What is the Full Form of DRDT In Medical?

The full form of DRDT in Medical is Diploma in Radio Diagnosis Technology. Some colleges also refer to this course as Diploma in Medical Radio Diagnosis. This is a two-year diploma course that teaches the student about radio imaging. The course covers technologies like CT Scan, X-Ray and MRI. There are additional specialities under this program, and you can opt for the same. To apply for the course, you need to have completed the MBBS program. Students can also opt for this course after 10 + 2. It is mostly seen that the students after 10 + 2 prefer this program since the basics of radio diagnosis are already covered during MBBS

What Else Should You Know About DRDT?

The course is specially designed for students interested in radio diagnosis. This forms an important part of the non-invasive diagnostic technique. During the course, the students are taught about the physics of radio diagnosis, image quality, image processing, radiography, image formation and radiation protection. The admission to this course is through NEET PG and other similar exams. After completing the course, you can work as Radiology Technician, Radiologist, Cardiovascular Technologist or Medical Advisor.

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