DST Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of DST In Medical?

DST Full Form in Medical is Dexamethasone Suppression Test. The ability to inhibit pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) release is evaluated with a dexamethasone suppression test.

You’ll be given dexamethasone while you’re here for the test. This is an extremely potent synthetic (man-made) glucocorticoid. After that, your blood will be obtained to check your cortisol levels.

Suppression testing with dexamethasone come in two forms: low dosage and high dose. There are two popular approaches to each kind, both of which take three days: one that may be completed overnight and another that takes the traditional approach (rare). Both tests can be conducted using a variety of methods. Some instances are given here as illustrations.

Dexamethasone Suppression Test

  • Low dosage overnight
  • High dosage overnight

What else should you know about DST?

If your doctor thinks you’re making too much cortisol, he or she may order this blood draw. It’s done to figure out what’s causing Cushing syndrome and get a proper diagnosis.

If your body is creating too much ACTH, the low-dose testing can assist. To ascertain whether the pituitary gland is at fault, a high-dose test might be performed (Cushing disease).

In the same way that cortisol binds to a specific receptor in the body, dexamethasone, a synthetic steroid, does the same thing. Normal people taking dexamethasone will have less ACTH secreted. It follows that dexamethasone treatment should lower ACTH levels, which would then result in lower cortisol levels.

Other Full Form of DST in medical

  • Drug Susceptibility Testing

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