IUGR Full Form in Medical

What is the full form of IUGR in Medical?

The full form of IUGR is intrauterine growth restriction. Also known as fetal growth restriction, it occurs when the fetus is smaller than it should be. In simple terms, IUGR refers to the poor growth of the baby while it is in the mother’s womb during pregnancy. This means the fetus is not developing at the expected rate inside the uterus.

That’s 9 out of 10 children of the same age who are underweight. There are many reasons behind the cause of IUGR. Various conditions, including umbilical cord problems, high altitude, eclampsia, and multiple pregnancies, can cause a baby to not receive vital nutrition and enough oxygen from the umbilical cord during a woman’s pregnancy.

What else should you know about IUGR?

IUGR is often found at about 20 weeks of pregnancy when your doctor monitors the distance between your uterus and the pubic bone at each checkup. The doctor may discover IUGR if this inspection is shorter than expected. In most cases, fetuses are diagnosed with IUGR by monitoring during pregnancy.

If you have the following conditions, your fetus can build up IUGR:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Diabetes
  • Anti-seizure medications, etc.