IUT Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of IUT In Medical?

IUT Full Form in Medical term is intrauterine transfusion. Fetuses can receive blood during a technique called an intrauterine transfusion (IUT), which often takes place through the umbilical cord. It’s prescribed when the fetal red blood cell count is dangerously low due to factors like maternal antibody destruction. Perinatologists at hospitals and other medical facilities perform IUTs.

Fetal heart failure can be caused by anemia, and intrauterine transfusion aims to either prevent or treat this condition so that the pregnancy can continue and the baby can be fully formed at birth.

intrauterine transfusion

What else should you know about IUT?

Once the choice to transfuse has been made, the family will need to find an O-negative donor. Donors aren’t allowed if they are jaundiced, have diabetes, have just given blood, or are using alcohol.

HCNext, the blood is put through a battery of tests to determine factors like hemoglobin level, blood group, atypical antibodies, and the presence of diseases like HIV, HBB, HCB, HBcAb, VDRL, & Malaria. After waiting 6-8 hours, nucleic acid testing is repeated for HIV, HB, and HC.

Another 5 hours are needed for this. The hematocrit of the blood then is increased to around 80% through hemo-concentration. After being irradiated, it can be used in an IUT procedure.

Other full forms of IUT

  • In-Utero Transfusions
  • Invasive Urodynamic Testing
  • Intravascular Transfusions
  • Intrauterine Transplantation
  • Intersection-Union Test
  • Initial Upstroke Time