LVD Full Form in Medical

What is The Full Form of LVD?

LVD Full Form in Medical term is left Ventricular Dysfunction. It is a dysfunction that is related to cardiovascular mortality and other associated things. This dysfunction is also related and associated with ischemic cardiac arrest. Although the tendency of stroke in this case is mild but one needs to be well-aware of the problems associated with it. It is better if prior knowledge is given to an individual about it. Through this study one can related the difference that exists between LVD and ischemic stroke. There is a slight difference that exists between the two.

left Ventricular Dysfunction

What causes this dysfunction?

There are some causes that are related to this dysfunction. It is important to relate and discuss about it.

  • If anyone has extreme high pressure there is a chance of LVD.
  • Some of the lung disorders may also cause this dysfunction in a person.
  • Sometimes several small blood clots and pulmonary metabolism is also related with this dysfunction.
  • In the case of hyperthyroidism there is a high chance of LVD dysfunction.
  • It is also noted that severe weaknesses or fatigue may also be considered to be one of the major symptoms of LVD. It needs to be treated as early as possible.