ACL Full Form in Medical

What is the full form of ACL in Medical?

The full form of ACL in medical is Anterior Curciate Ligament. It is one amongst the pairs of cruciate ligaments found in the human knee. These ligaments are known as cruciform ligaments. Also known as the cranial cruciate ligament, it is constructed of fibrous, strong material and helps in operating excessive motion. The main objective of ACL is to restrict the mobility of the joint. Moreover, it is considered the most injured ligament among the four situated in the knee.

ACL-related injuries most commonly occur during sports that involve changes in direction or sudden stops, landings, and jumps, such as basketball, soccer, downhill skiing, and football. If you feel a popping or sensation in your knee, it could be an ACL injury in your knee. It can be detected through swelling, feeling unstable, and being excessively painful to bear weight.

What else should you know about ACL?

Treatment of an ACL includes rehabilitation exercises and appropriate support depending on the location and severity of the ACL injury. This will further help you gain stability and strength. If the condition is more severe, your doctor may recommend surgery to replace the torn ligament, followed by rehabilitation.