APD Full Form in Medical

What is the APD Full Form in Medical?

APD Full Form in Medical term is Acid Peptic Disease. Peptic ulcer disease, stress-related mucosal injury and GERD are all examples of disorders characterized by an imbalance between acid secretion and gastric mucosal defenses. Overproduction of stomach acid or a weakened gastric mucosal barrier may be to blame for this discord.

They come with the symptoms like weight loss, nausea, abdominal pain, heartburn, appetite loss, etc.

What else should you know about APD?

The best course of treatment is the one suggested by your doctor. Peptic acid illness, however, is commonly treated with:

Indigestion and heartburn can be quickly alleviated with the use of antacids, which work by preventing stomach acid from doing its damage.

More effective in comparison to antacids, H2 receptor blockers cause the cells lining the stomach to produce less acid.

Medication known as a proton pump inhibitor can prevent the production of stomach acid.

When used in conjunction with proton pump inhibitor and bismuth molecule, some antibiotics have been shown to eradicate H. pylori at a rate of 90 percent or higher.

Modifying one’s food and way of life can alleviate symptoms, speed healing, and even prevent the development of ulcers. A balanced, nutritious diet is recommended for those with APDs.