ASO Full Form in Medical

What is the ASO Full Form in Medical?

ASO Full Form in Medical term is Antistreptolysin O Titer Test. When your body reacts to the toxin streptolysin O, it produces antibodies, which can be measured using the ASO test. The bacteria in the group (GAS) family produce this poison. Your body generates antistreptolysin O antibodies in reaction to the GAS bacteria.

The presence of antistreptolysin antibody in one’s blood can be used to diagnose a strep throat infection with the ASO test. Your doctor can use the test results to reduce the likelihood of post-streptococcal complications.

Antistreptolysin O (ASO) tests quantify the immune system’s response to streptococcal disease. Adults have an average number of less than 200 on the ASO test, while children younger than five years old have a normal score of below 100.

What else should you know about ASO?

A current infection with streptococcal can be inferred from ASO test results that are over the reference range. However, if you have signs of a post-streptococcal problem and your ASO findings are within the typical range, your doctor may urge repeating the test to make sure they don’t miss anything.

As a result, the ASO test provides valuable information for doctors to use in the diagnosis and treatment of streptococcal infections. You should talk to your doctor about the results of your ASO test if you hold any worries or questions.