AHD Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of AHD In Medical?

The full form of AHD in medical term is Alveolar Hydatid Disease. An illness brought on by a parasite that is the larval form of the tiny tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis. Accidental ingestion of the E. multilocularis tapeworm’s eggs might cause infection. There are two main routes for humans to come into contact with these eggs, both of which entail “hand-to-mouth” transfer or contamination.

The growth of cystic or tumor-like tapeworm larvae inside the body is the cause of AHD. AHD usually concerns the liver but can expand to certain other organs of the body. The expanding cysts might cause discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen, weakness, and weight loss. AHD infection may go unnoticed for several years due to the sluggish growth of the cysts. Cirrhosis of the liver, as well as liver cancer symptoms, can look alike.

alveolar hydatid disease

Diagnosis and Treatment

Making the diagnosis is by using a blood test to detect the infection or antibodies against E. multilocularis. Surgery is the most frequent treatment method for AHD, albeit getting rid of the parasite mass is frequently not completely successful. Medication may be required following surgery to prevent the cyst from returning.

 Other Full Forms Of AHD In Medical:

  • AHD – Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease
  • AHD – Autoimmune Hemolytic Disease
  • AHD – Acute Heart Disease
  • AHD – Advance Health Directive