SNCU Full Form in Medical

What is the Full Form of SNCU?

SNCU full form in medical term means Special Newborn Care Units. These are general units that are established by the hospital or the government medical centers to help take care of newborn children who fall sick or are sick at the time of birth. This can also be termed neonatal care and is closely monitored by the doctor and nurses along with the frequent support staff.

Special Newborn Care Units

These units are recognized all over the districts and the urban areas where it helps in providing the right care for sick newborn babies. It is an extensive campaign of national health importance and has been established in every district hospital across India. This has helped in reducing the mortality rate of newborns in India and has helped provide ample care.

This special newborn care unit has also provided an improvement in the primary health care strategy and helped provide even job opportunities for various nurses and people. The center since requiring full-time monitoring has helped nurses and medical personnel have a viable jobs and be part of the health campaign. The baby after being monitored and provided the right care in the SNCU may be transferred to further departments like NICU where other issues are handled. There are mainly four different levels of neonatal care of which SNCU are one of them.