BPS Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of BPS In Medical?

BPS full form in medical is Bronchopulmonary Sequestration. It is an inherited malformation of the lower respiratory tract, wherein a part of the lung grows without linking to the normal airways. It is a rare problem, including less than 5% of all congenital lung abnormalities and is characterized by an abnormal blood supply from the aorta.

In simple words, BPS is a rare birth flaw in which an inappropriate mass of nonfunctioning lung tissue appears during prenatal growth. This can form both internal and external the lungs, but can’t be linked initially to the airways.

Like normal lung tissue, abnormal lung tissue works appropriately. Treatment for BPS varies depending on the size and type of the lung lesion. Some cases of small extra lobar BPS do not require surgery. But in the case of intralobar and extralobar BPS, the condition can worsen, leading to breathing problems and infections, while sometimes leading to life-threatening complications such as heart failure.

Bronchopulmonary Sequestration

What else should you know about BPS?

Signs and symptoms of BPS can differ and appear after the baby’s birth. These signs are trouble breathing, shortness of breath, upper respiratory infections, trouble gaining weight, feeding difficulties, etc.

Other full forms of BPS in Medical

  • Bilateral Partial Salpingectomy
  • Behavioural Pain Scale
  • British Pharmacological Society

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