CCC Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of CCC In Medical?

CCC full form in medical is Clinical Care Classification which is a type of software designed to help nurses and medical professionals document or classify important information regarding clinical care in a medical institution or a hospital. You may already know the definition that CCC software is quite useful in documenting the essence of care and measuring the relationship of nursing care to patient outcomes.

Clinical Care Classification

What Else Should You Know About CCC?

CCC was developed during a government-funded research study conducted at Georgetown University, Washington DC. And that happened because there was a need for a computerized classification system to predict patient resource needs and evaluate their outcomes. So, from the very beginning, the goal of CCC developers was to come up with a digital classification system for clinical care that can document health records in an organized way. And to test out this software, more than nine thousand patient care data samples were collected. This was all possible because over 600 healthcare facilities contributed to the testing of this computerized program. At present, the CCC or Clinical Care Classification has become a popular digital software in the medical field of not just one, but many countries around the globe.

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