CVS Full Form in Medical

What is the full form of CVS in Medical?

The full form of CVS in Medical is Chorionic Villus Sampling. Also known as the CVS test, it is some sort of genetic medical test done when the woman is pregnant. It is performed to detect certain health conditions in the fetus.

 The test outcomes are very reliable and accurate. It will help your healthcare provider make very important health decisions. The test also detects sex. In this medical test, a small sample of cells is taken from the placenta, an organ that forms during pregnancy to impart nutrition to the fetus.

What else should you know about CVS?

Not being such an important part of prenatal care, CVS is optional but necessary if there are a lot of risk factors or if abnormalities are found on routine genetic screening or early ultrasound. It just depends on whether the test is done or not.

Your healthcare provider may ask you to undergo CVS if:

  • You have a child with an identified genetic condition
  • Had a test that specified a higher risk of having a kid with a congenital issue
  • Have a family record of a genetic issue, etc.

Other full forms of CVS in Medical:

  • Cerebrovascular System
  • Cardiovascular System, etc.

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