CTC Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of CTC In Medical?

CTC full form in medical is Circulating Tumor Cells. Metastasis is the process of tumor cells spreading to other organs or regions of the body and thus creating new tumorous structures. In 90% of cancer cases, Metastasis is the prime reason which leads to death. And there is not much that medical professionals can do to prevent the tumor cells from spreading to other parts of the body.

Circulating Tumor Cells

What Else Should You Know About CTC?

You may be wondering how and why tumor cells start to circulate in the body. Right? Well, not just the single tumor cells leave one site and make another cancerous structure in the other part of the body, these could also be the clusters of tumor cells. Tumors have the tendency to grow really fast, and that’s why the blood vessels don’t provide enough oxygen to some parts of the tumor. Thus some tumor cells start to make bonds with other neighboring cells to get proper oxygen, and if the whole cluster isn’t getting enough oxygen, it can break and get into the bloodstream to find a new location. And this is what makes the CTCs more dangerous.

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