CSSD Full Form in Medical

What is the full form of CSSD in Medical?

The full form of CSSD in medical is Central Sterile Services Department. Some other names are sterile care processing, sterile processing department, central supply, or central supply department. It is an internal department in a healthcare facility or hospital that operates sterilization and other activities using medical equipment, devices and medications. The major types of equipment used in CSSD are Automated Washer Disinfectors, Ultrasonic Cleaners, Rotary Sealers, Thermal Drying Cabinets, etc.

CSSD plays an important role in eliminating hospital surgical infections and in patient safety. It also ensures that proper disinfection of surgical equipment is conducted. The CSSD is responsible for preparing surgical supplies and medical supplies, and equipment so that they are ready for use and sterile in patient care.

What else should you know about CSSD?

A patient can benefit from CSSD if admitted to the hospital. Some of the notable benefits are as follows:

  • CSSD creates a healthy and safe environment.
  • It helps create a hygienic and infection-free environment.
  • It eliminates the role of nursing staff

Speaking of the role and function of CSSD, these include:

  • It supplies sterile instruments
  • It maintains an adequate record of the sterilizing procedure.
  • It helps take the further steps needed to stop cross-infection.

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