PH Full Form in Medical

What is the PH Full Form in Medical?

PH Full Form in Medical term is Pulmonary Hypertension. It is a form of hypertension that causes damage to the pulmonary arteries and the right ventricle of the heart. PH occurs when pulmonary blood arteries become restricted, obstructed, or damaged, leading to an increase in lung blood pressure.

Because of the injury, blood circulation in the lungs is slowed. There is a rise in arterial blood pressure within the lungs. Pumping blood into the lungs requires more energy from the heart. The heart’s muscle becomes frail and eventually fails as a result of the added strain.

What else should you know about PH?

Early diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension is challenging because the condition is rarely detected during a standard physical examination. Even in its latter stages, pulmonary hypertension has symptoms with other lung and heart diseases.

A medical doctor will conduct a physical exam and ask you questions about your symptoms in order to get a diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension. Questions regarding your health and family history will most likely be asked.

It is possible that pulmonary hypertension-causing gene variants should be screened for. If you have certain mutations in your genes, it may be necessary to check the health of your close relatives.

Other full form of PH in medical

  • Potential in hydrogen

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