PL Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of PL In Medical?

PL Full Form in Medical term is Palmaris Longus. It is a muscle that appears as a small tendon found between the flexor carpi ulnaris and the flexor carpi radialis. It is not found in approximately 14% of the population, which may differ in Native American, Asian, and African populations. The inefficiency of the long muscles results in decreased pinch strength in the fourth and fifth fingers. It is more prevalent in females than males.

It is a long, thin, spindle-shaped muscle located in the middle part of the flexor carpi radialis. The palmaris is widest in the middle and narrowest in the proximal and distal attachments.

Palmaris Longus

What else should you know about PL?

The palmaris longus usually arises from the medial epicondyle of the humerus via the common flexor tendon. It arises from the adjacent intermuscular septa and also from the antebrachial fascia. It is an uneven muscle. There are also differences regarding its construction. It can be tender above and fleshy below. It may disappear or be completely doubled.

Other full forms of PL

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  • Peroneus Longus
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